Homeschool Art Materials : 10 Ways to Add Art Into Your Homeschool

PLEASE Do Not Give Your Children Adult Art Materials sometimes they are TOXIC and are not meant to be used by children.
There is a huge difference between children’s art materials and adult art materials!

1) Have art materials out so your children can use when they are in the mood to play and create. Wonderful beginner supplies: Crayons, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Watercolors, Watercolor Pencils & Crayons, Markers, Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint.

Children -2-6 years old
Crayons, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Watercolor Paints (children’s watercolor which is non toxic)

7-12 – At this age higher quality paint brushes are needed. They don’t need to be super expensive, but a better quality will be needed or they will be frustrated. Sketchbooks, Pastels, Watercolors w/ better watercolor brushes, Acrylic Paint w/ better watercolor brushes, Colored Pencils, Markers Better Quality for Comics and Graphics, Watercolor Crayons & Pencils. Pen & Ink.

13-Up -Great time to start Oil Painting, Acrylic Paint, Watercolor Crayons & Pencils (My personal favorite!!!), Watercolor Tubes & Pans, Higher Quality Paint Brushes for all mediums, Gauche, Colored Pencils, Markers Better Quality for Comics and Graphics, Pen & Ink.

Sidewalk Art Contest: If you have a sidewalk or backyard patio of any sort have a sidewalk art show. Its best when the children have already researched what they would like to draw, then let them draw away! Have available for them the larger outdoor chalks but also as many different colors thinner pieces of chalk as possible. Pinterest offers wonderful ideas (and it a safe search place) (All Ages)

Art Show: Your children will have an abundant amount of art in its various forms by the time you are done t=with the school year. Have an art show and invite family and friends.