Write/Draw A Picture Book : 10 Ways to Add Art Into Your Homeschool

My kids love writing their own books even at a young age your child could narrate to you the story and you could write it down and then they could draw pictures to go along with it. If they’re older they could write the story and draw, and make it into a book themselves. Older children love comic books or graphic novels. They could write an outline for their comic and download a comic page template and write their very own comic. I have two boys and they loved their video games but they were only allowed to play a certain amount of time a day which was never as much as they wanted to so I bought a roll of paper and had them create their own video game. They had a blast, they had to use their imagination and figure out the story line, write the important parts out and what each character and object was, then they drew it out on the roll of paper. They had a blast! I still have that somewhere.


3-6 year old
1. Do a real aloud with your children and then put out crayons, watercolors, colored pencils and let them draw a scene from the book.
2. Every time you read a book I would have the children draw a picture about it. This is a good time to have your younger children busy with something so you are able to spend time with your older children.
3. Let your child tell you a story and you write it out a page a scene and then let them draw each scene to create a book. I’ve done this before and kids LOVE writing their own books! And they will read it over and over again.
4. You can have the children try and draw the cover of the book. We learn to draw partially from copying other artists drawing. Copy work is a part of learning to draw.

7-11 year old
1. After a read aloud have your children illustrate their favorite scene from the days reading. It helps them to really think about what they have heard or read.2. Every time you read a book I would have the children draw a picture about it. This is a good time to have your younger children busy with something so you are able to spend time with your older children.
3. Let your child tell you a story and you write it out a page a scene and then let them draw each scene to create a book. I’ve done this before and kids LOVE writing their own books! And they will read it over and over again.
4. You can have the children try and draw the cover of the book. We learn to draw partially from copying other artists drawing. Copy work is a part of learning to draw.
5. Have Them Draw A Cover For The Book

12-15 year old:

15-18 year old: